Execute with Kotest
Execute Prepared tests alongside tests written using Kotest.
Prepared tests are declared using the helper preparedSuite.
class FooTest : StringSpec({
// Declare tests normally using the Kotest syntax
"Hello world" {
"Hello world" shouldBe "Hello world"
// Declare tests using the Prepared syntax
// using the 'preparedSuite' function
preparedSuite {
test("Hello world") {
"Hello world" shouldBe "Hello world"
suite("A group of related tests") {
test("Control the time") {
println("Current time: ${time.nowMillis}ms")
test("Control randomness") {
println("Random value: ${random.nextInt()}")
If you do not plan on mixing vanilla Kotest tests with your Prepared tests, you can also use the PreparedSpec:
class FooTest : PreparedSpec({
test("Hello world") {
"Hello world" shouldBe "Hello world"
suite("A group of related tests") {
test("Control the time") {
println("Current time: ${time.nowMillis}ms")
test("Control randomness") {
println("Random value: ${random.nextInt()}")
JVM project
// build.gradle.kts
plugins {
kotlin("jvm") version "…"
dependencies {
tasks.withType<Test> {
Multiplatform project
// build.gradle.kts
plugins {
kotlin("multiplatform") version "…"
// ⚠ Without the Kotest plugin, tests for some platforms
// may not run, without warnings ⚠
// https://plugins.gradle.org/plugin/io.kotest.multiplatform
id("io.kotest.multiplatform") version "…"
kotlin {
// …
sourceSets.commonTest.dependencies {
tasks.withType<Test> {
This runner automatically enables some Kotest features:
Always uses the KotlinX.Coroutine dispatcher,
KotlinX.Coroutines debug probes are always enabled,
Ignored tests are mapped to Kotest ignored tests,
Test tags are mapped to Kotest test tags,
Focus and Bang are supported. Unlike regular Kotest, both features also work with tests declared in suites.
Kotest expects nested suites to be suspend
. Because of this, Kotest cannot allow nested suites on Kotlin/JS. Prepared supports nested suites on all platforms; they are un-nested automatically when executing with Kotest.
Before using this runner, you may want to browse its planned work.