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Compatibility with KotlinX.Datetimeopensavvy.prepared.compat.kotlinx.datetimedelayUntil


@ExperimentalCoroutinesApisuspend fun Time.delayUntil(instant: Instant)

Delays until the virtual time reaches instant, executing all enqueued tasks in order.

`delayUntil` is useful to artificially trigger time-dependent algorithms. To set the initial time at the start of the test, use set.

@ExperimentalCoroutinesApisuspend fun Time.delayUntil(isoString: String)

Delays until the virtual time reaches isoString, formatted as an ISO 8601 timestamp, executing all enqueued tasks in order.

`delayUntil` is useful to artificially trigger time-dependent algorithms. To set the initial time at the start of the test, use set.

See also