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Compatibility with java.time

Compatibility with java.time

Control the virtual time during tests using the `java.time` package.

Builds upon the virtual time control available out-of-the-box to allow instancing clocks, setting the current time or waiting for a given time.


We want to test a Java class that makes computations based on the current time.

To allow writing multiple tests using the same class, we declare it as a prepared value. To ensure it has access to the virtual time, we inject the Java clock.

val prepareComputer by prepared {
        clock = time.clockJava,

Now, we can use the helper functions to set the current time and to wait until a specific time.

test("A test that uses the time") {

    val computer = prepareComputer()

    computer.isInTheFuture("2023-11-08T11:00:00Z") shouldBe false
