Suite • opensavvy.prepared.suite.config • get
operator fun <E : TestConfig.Element> TestConfig.get(key: TestConfig.Key<E, TestConfig.Uniqueness.Unique>): E?
Finds the Element identified by key in the current TestConfig.
It's not possible for multiple elements to share a key marked with Uniqueness.Unique, so this function can never return multiple results. However, no elements may be identified by a key, in which case `null` is returned.
operator fun <E : TestConfig.Element> TestConfig.get(key: TestConfig.Key<E, TestConfig.Uniqueness.Multi>): List<E>
Finds the elements identified by key in the current TestConfig.
Keys marked with Uniqueness.Multi allow multiple elements of the same type, so this function returns a list. If no elements are found, the returned list is empty.