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A Prepared is a lazily-created value that is bound to a test, such that multiple reads provide the same value.

A PreparedProvider represents the operation that would be executed to generate a prepared value, but isn't bound yet. This means PreparedProvider is a sort of factory for Prepared instances: the same provider can build multiple prepared instances, which run the same operation when executed, but are cached independently.

Bind a value

The simplest way to bind a provider to a single value is through delegation:

val prepareRandomInt = prepared { random.nextInt() }
val first by prepareRandomInt
val second by prepareRandomInt

test("A test") {
    // Inside this test, 'first' is a specific int, and 'second' is another specific int

Instead of binding a provider to a variable, it is also possible to explicitly bind it with named.

Use without binding

It is also possible to use a provider to generate values without binding them to a Prepared instance; see TestDsl.immediate.



fun <I, O> PreparedProvider<I>.map(block: (I) -> O): PreparedProvider<O>

Creates a new PreparedProvider which is the result of calling block on the input prepared provider.


fun named(name: String): Prepared<T>

Provides a Prepared instance bound to the given name.


operator fun provideDelegate(thisRef: Any?, property: KProperty<*>): PreparedDelegate<T>

Provides a Prepared instance bound to the given property.