Suite • opensavvy.prepared.suite • Prepared
Lazily-generated value unique to a test case.
This helper allows to declare values that are needed by multiple tests, whilst ensuring each test gets its own distinct instance. Within a given test, however, the value is always the same:
suite("Random integers") {
val randomInteger by prepared { random.nextInt() }
test("First test") {
println(randomInteger()) // some integer
println(randomInteger()) // the same integer
test("Second test") {
println(randomInteger()) // another integer
Prepared values are constructed lazily when they are accessed within a test. Because of this, they have access to the test's TestDsl and can `suspend`.
For the specific use-case of generating random values, see random.
Comparison with other frameworks
Test frameworks usually provide a construct like `@BeforeTest` or similar. These constructs allow to declare instantiation code that is run before tests, however:
Test frameworks also tend to provide a construct like `@AfterTest`, but again, this is covered by cleanUp. Prepared values can use cleanUp as well:
val database by prepared(Dispatchers.IO) {
val db = Database.connect()
cleanUp("Disconnect from the database") {
test("Test") {
// if a prepared value is accessed in a test, it is automatically cleaned at the end of the test
Values are instantiated using the prepared helper.
Creates a new Prepared which is the result of calling block on the input prepared value.