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Date and time

Tests run in virtual time: a fixed timescale which is controlled by the developer.

The current virtual time can be accessed using the time.nowMillis property. To control the current date as proper datetime types, or to inject a controllable clock into other services, see Using the virtual time.


Time-sensitive algorithms are often difficult to test, because we want tests to execute quickly, which is often incompatible. For example, testing that a notification is sent a month before disabling an account, or that a ping is sent every 10 seconds.

Through the use of the virtual time, we can control how the algorithm thinks the time is passing, allowing us to trigger these cases easily. However, a major risk of direct time control is that we risk changing the order of events, which might mean that our test doesn't represent the real world anymore.

To decrease these risks, the time is directly controlled by delay calls.

For example, in this example:

test("Observing the passing of time") {
    println("Hello world!")
    println("…After one second")
When running this example, we notice that it finishes in a few milliseconds, and not a full second. This is because delays are skipped. Since the virtual time is fixed, starts at 0ms, and only advances through delay calls, we know that at the end of this test it is always equal to exactly 1 second.

This determinism allows us to precisely control algorithms that could otherwise be nondeterministic in real time:

test("Deterministic example") {
    launchInBackground { //(1)!
        while (isActive) {
            println("10ms have passed")

    println("Test start")
    println("Middle of the test")
    println("Test end")

  1. launchInBackground starts a background service that is killed at the end of the test. See asynchronous helpers.

This test is guaranteed to always result in the following trace:

Test start
10ms have passed
10ms have passed
Middle of the test
10ms have passed
Test end

As we can see, the execution can be deterministically tested. Systems that wait for a very long time can be tested as well, since the entire waiting time can be skipped. Complex edge cases and event orderings can be triggered easily.


Delay-skipping only works in specific dispatchers. The coroutine scope in which tests are executed, as well as the ones created by the asynchronous helpers are already configured with delay-skipping.

However, other dispatchers, most notably Dispatchers.IO and Dispatchers.Main, do not use delay-skipping. If calling delay within a withContext(Dispatchers.IO) call, the delay will wait in real time.

This is one of the reasons why real code should never refer to specific dispatchers directly. Instead, services that must start coroutines should accept a CoroutineScope or CoroutineContext parameter. Test code can initialize them with:

Interaction with fixtures

Prepared values run in the context of each test. All time-control features are available within prepared values.

Shared values are only executed once. The time accessor is not available within them. We do not recommend using delay within them, since it will only affect the virtual time of the very first test to run, which is not deterministic (it will be different if you enable parallel execution or if you run a single test).

Interaction with asynchronous operations

Foreground and background operations affect the virtual time exactly in the same way as accessing it directly within a test's body.

Measuring the passing of time

It is possible to measure how long an operation takes in virtual time or in real time.

Measuring in virtual time

See time.source:

test("Measure how long an operation takes in virtual time") {
    val duration = time.source.measureTime {

    check(duration == 3.minutes)

Measuring how long an operation takes in virtual time is rarely useful: since virtual time only advances naturally when delay is called, this is equivalent to counting all calls to delay.

Measuring in real time

To measure how long an operation takes in real time, see measureTime:

import kotlin.time.measureTime

test("Measure how long an operation takes in real time") {
    val duration = measureTime {

    check(duration < 10.milliseconds) // because 'delay' is skipped

Using the virtual date and time

Often, time.nowMillis is insufficient: we want to trigger algorithms at specific dates in time, for example to check that an algorithm behaves correctly even at midnight on New Year's. Prepared offers compatibility modules to generate datetime objects from popular libraries.

Add a dependency on dev.opensavvy.prepared:compat-kotlinx-datetime. See the reference.

Add a dependency on dev.opensavvy.prepared:compat-java-time. See the reference.

Accessing the current time can be used to access the current time as an Instant:

test("Access the current time") {
    println(  // 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z
    println(  // 1970-01-01T02:00:00Z

time.nowJava can be used to access the current time as an Instant:

test("Access the current time") {
    println(time.nowJava)  // 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z
    println(time.nowJava)  // 1970-01-01T02:00:00Z

Setting the time at the start of a test

By default, the virtual time is set to UNIX Time 0, January 1st, 1970 at 00:00:00. To set the initial time to another initial date, use time.set:

test("Set the initial time of a test") {

    println(    // 2024-12-31T09:00:00Z

By default, the virtual time is set to UNIX Time 0, January 1st, 1970 at 00:00:00. To set the initial time to another initial date, use time.set:

test("Set the initial time of a test") {

    println(time.nowJava)    // 2024-12-31T09:00:00Z

Injecting the virtual time into the system-under-test

Algorithms we want to test need to have access to the virtual time. Traditionally, this is done by accepting a Clock in the algorithm's constructor. We can generate such a clock with time.clock:

test("Test an algorithm that performs time-sensitive operations") {
    delay(2.days + 5.hours)

    // …check the final state…

Algorithms we want to test need to have access to the virtual time. Traditionally, this is done by accepting a Clock in the algorithm's constructor. We can generate such a clock with time.clockJava:

test("Test an algorithm that performs time-sensitive operations") {
    delay(2.days + 5.hours)

    // …check the final state…

Waiting until a specific time

Instead of using delay to wait for a specific duration, we can also use delayUntil to wait until a specific instant.

test("Observe what happens when the year changes") {


    // …check the final state…

Instead of using delay to wait for a specific duration, we can also use delayUntil to wait until a specific instant.

test("Observe what happens when the year changes") {


    // …check the final state…